Jason Michael Whitlock, PhD
Simply put, I love the Lord Jesus Christ, I love His Word, and I love talking about that. I also love and am anxiously awaiting His coming. I have spent decades learning about Him and seeking to know the proper interpretation of His Word. And because I love His Word, I love helping others to understand it also. That is the purpose of this website: To share with others what I have learned as well as what I am continuing to learn. Over the years I have created thousands of notes on scripture, culture, science, and faith. Lord willing, I will be uploading this material to this site as quickly as I can, in as easily accessible and searchable way I can, for the time is short. His coming is imminent, and it is my hope that the material on this site will help as many as the Lord wills, to make their hearts ready for the coming of the Lord (1 John 2:28-3:3).

Doctor of Philosophy, Theological Studies, with emphasis in Eschatology
Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary; 2015
Master of Theology, with Thesis
Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary; 2010
Master of Divinity
New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary; 2006
Bachelor of Science Chemical Engineering
Georgia Institute of Technology, 2000
My Beliefs:
I generally do not like to identify myself with certain theological groups or viewpoints, for example, "Calvinist" versus "Arminian," or "Covenantalist" versus "Dispensationalist," because that would certainly attribute to me many beliefs that I would not affirm. Scripture and faith is just not that simple. Additionally, viewing oneself as this or that [insert whatever label or group] can act to blind one from seeing the truth. That error is called confirmation bias. No one is immune from this tendency, but whateve we can do to minimize it, the better.
The most important thing for me, what I have based my entire life upon, is the Bible, which is the Word of God. Specifically, I take the 66 books of the Bible, Genesis to Malachi, and Matthew to Revelation, as being the only authoritative source for faith and life (2 Timothy 3:15–17). And not only that, but I am driven to discover, as best as I can, by the help and power of the Spirit, how best to accurately understand its teaching (2 Timothy 2:15). And as I grow in that understanding, I am driven to apply its truths to my life and teaching so that I may help others discover and apply its truths also.
Why is this book, or collection of books and letters, so important? Because without it we could never hope to know the One who is the Way, the Truth, and the Life (John 14:6), Jesus, the Son of God, and the only way to the Father and eternal life. The apostle John says at the end of his gospel (John 20:31), that "these have been written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing you may have life in His name."
But, to give a general overview of my theological leanings, I will say that I generally hold to the Baptist Faith and Message (2000): https://bfm.sbc.net/bfm2000/. There are a few minor points with which I would disagree, but these are only minor (I did get three degrees from two different Southern Baptist seminaries).
My Affiliations:
Member of the Evangelical Theological Society (2007–present). Every member must annually affirm the following Doctrinal Basis:
"The Bible alone, and the Bible in its entirety, is the Word of God written and is therefore inerrant in the autographs.
God is a Trinity, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, each an uncreated person, one in essence, equal in power and glory."
Professional Experience:
Guest Professor
Taught “Cult Theology," Spring of 2018–2020
Theologisches Seminar Rheinland, Wölmersen, Germany
Adjunct Professor
Taught Theology II (Master of Divinity Course), Spring 2017
Tampa, Florida Extension Center for the Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, Wake Forest, NC
Presentation: “The Coming of the Lord” (Based on my dissertation)
The 25th Annual Pre-Trib Study Group Conference, Dallas, TX; December 5–7, 2016
Guest Lecturer
Lectured on 1 & 2 Thessalonians as part of the M.Div. course, New Testament Introduction and Survey, Spring 2016
The Expositor’s Seminary, Woodstock, Georgia, Extension Center for The Master's Seminary, California
Teaching Fellow
Assistant Teacher to Dr. John Hammett, Systematic Theology II, Spring 2013
Charlotte, North Carolina Extension Center for the Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary